Vinod Kumar Gupta- An Introduction



Vinod Kumar Gupta, a hidden treasure in himself is known to the astrological world for his accurate predictions. He is MSc. Engg. in Electronics and Communication and Astrologer by nature. He is retired Chief Engineer from Bhakra Beas Management Board. As a stargazer he has a number of remarkable predictions to his credit, which have been published in different astrological magazines and leading newspapers many months before their actually happening. With each prediction, hyperlinks have been created in two stages, explaining the prediction in detail in the first stage & in the second stage scanned copies of the magazines / news papers have been attached where the predictions were published.


Among his predictions the noteworthy ones are:


1.                Fall of Rajiv Gandhi Govt, V P Singh will be the next PM, Fall of V P Singh Govt, GULF WAR IN 1991, Disintegration of Russia, Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi before May 22, 1991 by a lady whose name will begin with first alphabet K, M, N or R in Tamilnadu(India).


2.                George Bush suffers heart attack on 4th May,91 day was Saturday.


3.                George Bush may suffer attack on his health before on any Wednesday.


4.                Prime Minister, Chandra Shekhar, will face problem in Govt position from 10.06.199 to 10.07.91, the name of the next Prime Minister after him will begin with alphabets K,M,N or R (Obviously Narasimha  Rao who took oath of P.M. of  India on 21.06.1991)


5.                Prediction about Chautala as Chief Minister of Haryana on 22.03.91 and Ch. Devi Lal as Deputy PM of India in Nov,90.


6.                Release of Sanjay Dutt (Renowned Indian Film Star) from imprisonment between the period from Sept 29,1995 to Oct29,1995 .


7.                George Bush will not get next Presidential term in the Elections due in Nov, 1992.


8.                Bill Clinton will be next President of U.S.A in the elections in Nov,1992.


9.                After Nov, 1996 onwards Amitabh Bacchan(Renowned Indian Film Star) will suffer from financial crisis and hurdles in the Beauty Pageant arranged by him.


10.           Bill Clinton will be re-elected as President in the elections in Nov,1996.


11.           Bill Clinton will meet an accident,bad health or an attack with in one year from Jan 20,1997.


12.           American Govt can do astonishing wonders in the world from Nov 96,to Aug 19,1997 which may have wide impact on the world.(The Mars Pathfinder was launched on Dec 4,96 and it landed on Mars on July 4,97 which opened new horizons of research all over the world ).


13.           Predicted on Feb 11,98, that Atal Bihari Vajpayee will become Prime Minister of India in lok sabha elections  &will form the coalition Govt , but will remain disturbed by ladies. Vajpayee became P.M of India on May16,1998 and formed coalition Govt.


14.           Predicted on April20,1998 that Vajpayee Govt,will sit comfortably till sit March 1999. Parties led by certain fiery ladies might also withdraw support extended to it. Predicted on Dec1,1998  that Vajpayee Govt will get set back before April,99. On April 17, 99, Vajpayee Govt lost confidence vote in Lok Sabha upon withdrawing support by Jai Lalita & Govt fell down.


15.           Predicted on Dec 1,98 that respect of respect of the Prime Minister and the country will be at stake upto Dec25,1999. On Dec 24,99 plane of Indian Air Lines was hijacked and PM has to face lot of harassment.


16.           Predicted on May 5,99 that elections won’t be a cakewalk For Sonia Gandhi and congress showed poor results in Lok Sabha elections held on Sept5,99 & Oct 3,99 and BJP formed the Govt on Oct 13,99.


17.           Predicted in Sept 92and on Nov 23,92 that Bill Clinton will face problems due widows,bad ladies,women of ill repute particularly those with R,K,N,or M as first letters of their name. In Nov 95,Monica Lewinsky joined white house,who later on levied charges of sexual scandal against Clinton on Jan 17,98. Mark bad lady and first letter of name as M.


18.           Predicted on Feb 15,98 that President Bill Clinton has to face crisis in Govt on account of illicit sexual relations with other woman.Clinton had to confess publically his sexual relations with her on Aug17,98 which started with the impeachment in the  house of representatives of USA


19.           Predicted on Aug 21, 98 that Bill Clinton will have to face bad time up to Jan 20,99.  Bill was impeached by the house of representatives on Dec19,98 and on Feb 12,99 U S Senate acquitted him  in the sexual scandal of Monica Lewinsky.


20.           Predicted on Feb 14,97 that son of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal Sh. Sukhbir Singh Badal will get uplift and Sh.Sukhbir Singh Badal won the Lok Sabha elections & became union minister of state for industry in Second Vajpayee in 98.


21.           Predicted  on July 8,2001that talks between Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee &Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf to be held in the historic summit from July14 to 16,2001 at Agra will be fruitless.There was too much hope of the success of talks till the last moment but the talks collapsed at last.


22.           Predicted on March27,99 that son of  Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal Sh. Sukhbir Singh Badal will get uplift  before Feb 12,2001 and Sh.Sukhbir Singh Badal was nominated to Rajya Sabha on Feb 9,2001.


23.           Predicted on March 20,98 that that Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee will  become very bold and will not bow down to any body though he may face financial problems.On May 11& 13,98 Pokhran explosion of five nuclear devices took place ,the credit of which is to Vajpayee. The nuclear tests resulted in a variety of sanctions against India by a no of major states. USA issued a strong statement of condeming INDIA and promised that sanctions will follow but Vajpayee never cared these threats, knowing well that sanctions can create economic problems.


24.           Predicted on Nov 1,2000& NOV 3,2000 that Bush will be elected the President of USA in the elections to be held on Nov 7,2000. The computers & ladies will be helpful. Mathematically,Florida 25electoral votes became the key to an election win. Bush won in Florida and thus he was going to be declared winner in Presidential polls but due to the narrow margin of the original vote count, Florida law mandated a statewide recount and Algore requested for recount by hand. On Dec 8,2000, Florida Supreme Court ordered manual recount in which Aigore was gaining and on Dec12, United States Supreme Court stopped the mannual recount and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris(a lady) certified the Bush as winner and she was already helping Bush and thus Bush won the election of Presidency on Dec12,2000 with the help of computers and a lady after a long legal battle otherwise Algore would have become President.


25.           Predicted on Nov1,2ooo & Nov 3,2000 that Bush will face problems from transport & travelling and on Dec 18,2000 & Dec 23,2000 predicted major transport accidents in USA during 2001along with economic problems.His prediction came true when four transport planes were hijacked & crashed into New York’s World Trade Center,Pentagon in Washington & Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania on Sept 11,2001. Attack on WTC building  triggered economic problems.


26.           Predicted on Sept 13,2001that there may be some Arabian People’s hand behind the Sept11,2001 air attack on Usa.


27.           Prediced  the setback to CM of Delhi Mrs Shushma Swaraj  in Elections of CM of Delhi . On Feb11,98 predicted that PM Vajpayee should  remain careful regarding ladies and Congress can gain politically before Dec 2,99. and again on Oct 31,98, he was warned about ladies as the election in Delhi were  beging fought  under the leadership of Shushma Swaraj as then she was CM of Delhi. BJP lost the elections and again a lady Sheela Dikshit,a (Congress Nominee )was sworn in as CM of Delhi on Dec 3,98. Thus both ladies Sushma Swaraj & Sheela Dikshit remain unfavourable to Vajpayee.


28.           Predicted on Feb11,2001 that ladies will create hinderance in the way to the Chair of Chief Minister Punjab for Captain Amrinder Singh & Sh.Parkash Singh Badal’s honour will be at stake. Captain Amrinder Singh became CM, Punjab but Mrs Rajinder Kaur Battal created lot of problems in his way to achieve the chair of CM & later on also and  Akali Dal headed by Sh.Parkash Singh Badal lost the elections lost the elections.


29.           Predicted on April 23,2004 that there will be obstacles for Vajpayee in his re-election as PM and he will get problem from female politicians,when the whole media & most of the astrologers including Ma Prem Usha were projecting him as the next PM. He lost the race to be reelected as PM because of a female politician  Mrs Sonia Gandhi.


30.           Predicted  on May 17,04 that in the horoscope of Congress mercury in lagna will give uplift to female leader along with the problems.On May 17,04  the President invited Sonia Gandhi to form the Govt & to take oath as PM and media reported that she will take oath on May19,04 but she declined the offer.


31.           Predicted in Dec 2000, that there will be severe economic setback to USA under Bush regime.First economic setback started with the Sept 11,01 air attack on USA particularly on WTC building which was at the  top during the severe economic recession in 2008 when Bush regime was ending.


32.           Predicted on Oct 21,08 as black Obama will be elected the  new President of USA.


33.           Predicted that Congresss (I) will form the Govt at the center after Lok Subha elections in 2009.



