Predicted on Dec 1, 98 that respect of the Prime Minister and the country will be at stake upto

Dec 25, 1999



On Dec 24, 99  plane of Indian Air Lines was hijacked and PM has to face lot of harassment.


 The renowned newspaper of North India ‘PUNJAB KESRI’ dated Dec 1, 98 published the prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta as;


“In the annual horoscope of Prime Minister Vajpayee in the period from Dec 25, 98  to Dec25,99 Jupiter will be in the 10th house which gives seback in his honour & Govt and honour of the country”.


The Indian Airlines aircraft was hijacked by Muslim extremists on its way from Kathmandu to Delhi on Dec 24, 1999. The aircraft landed at Amritsar Airport for refueling but National Security Guards failed to reach at spot or failed to rescue the aircraft which added to  too much embarrassment of Indian Govt.


As per LAL KITAB, Jup in the 10th house gives set back in space/air, foreign affairs and from Muslims. Thus, this incident was the creation of bad planets.