Predicted on Nov 1, 2000& NOV 3, 2000 that Bush will be elected the President of USA in the elections to be held on Nov 7, 2000 and computers and ladies will help him.


Mathematically, Florida 25electoral votes became the key to an election win. Bush won in Florida and thus he was going to be declared winner in Presidential polls but due to the narrow margin of the original vote count, Florida law mandated a statewide recount and Algore requested for recount by hand. On Dec 8, 2000, Florida Supreme Court ordered manual recount in which Algore was gaining and on Dec 12, United States Supreme Court stopped the mannual recount and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris (a lady) certified the Bush as winner and she was already helping Bush and thus Bush won the election of Presidency on Dec12, 2000 with the help of computers and a lady after a long legal battle otherwise Algore would have become President.


The renowned newspaper of North India, THE TRIBUNE’ dated Nov 4, 2000 published the above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta as;


“Astrologer predicts victory for Bush. Mercury in the seventh house gives him mighty pen of God, success in computers & also from women”


The above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta was published  in the renowned newspapers of North India ‘INDIAN EXPRESS dated Nov 2,2000, ; ‘INDIAN EXPRESS(Chandigarh newsline) dated Nov 2, 2000 , ; JAGBANI dated Nov 2, 2000 ; PUNJAB KESRI dated Nov 2,2000 .


The above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta was appreciated in the renowned newspapers of North India ‘INDIAN EXPRESS dated Dec18,2000 ; ‘INDIAN EXPRESS(Chandigarh newsline)’ dated Dec ; THE TRIBUNE dated23,2000 ; PUNJAB KESRI dated Dec19 ,2000.