Predicted on April20, 1998 that Vajpayee  Govt,will sit comfortably till  March 1999. Parties led by  certain fiery ladies might also withdraw support extended to it. Predicted on Dec1,1998 that Vajpayee Govt will get set back before April,99. On April 17, 99, Vajpayee Govt lost confidence vote in Lok Sabha upon withdrawing support by Jai Lalita & Govt fell down.


The renowned newspaper of India ‘INDIAN EXPRESS (Ludhiana News line)’ dated April 20,1998 published the above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta as;


“Vajpayee Govt, will sit comfortably till sit March 1999. Parties led by certain fiery ladies might also withdraw support extended to it.”


 The renowned newspaper of North India ‘PUNJAB KESRI’ dated Dec 1,98 published the prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta as;


“In the annual horoscope of BJP, mercury is in the 8th house which creates problems by the ladies and can prove fatal to the Govt.”


Ultimately, On April17, 99, Vajpayee Govt lost confidence vote in Lok Sabha upon withdrawing support by a lady Jai Lalita & Govt fell down & prediction came true.


The renowned newspaper of North India ‘JAGBANI’ dated April 18,99  appreciated the above prediction of  Vinod  Kumar Gupta .


The renowned newspaper of North India ‘PUNJAB KESRI’ dated April 15,99  appreciated above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta