Bill Clinton will be next President of U.S.A in the elections in Nov,1992.


In the article, “It is Clinton,not Bush” published in Nov,1992 issue of ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ (released on Oct 11,1992,article was sent to editor in the mid of Sept,1992),Vinod Kumar Gupta predicted at page 57 as;


“Mr Bill Clinton and not Bush will win the elections.Bush will not regain Presidentship & will suffer defeat.”


In the article “American Presidency Elections –Mr Bill Clinton to be the next President” published in “Planets and Forecast”in its Nov,1992 issue at page page no 512 & 513, (released in the mid of Oct,1992 and article was sent to the editor in the mid of Sept, 1992) , Vinod Kumar Gupta predicted as;


“The planetary configuration indicates that Bill Clinton is bound to be the next President of USA.”


In the article, Gulf Crisis-International Political Scene, published in Jan,1991 issue of Planets and Forecast  (released on Dec 11,1990,article was sent to editor in the mid of Nov,1990),Vinod Kumar Gupta predicted at page  56 ,57  AS;


“ President Bush may face problem in the elections due in Nov,1992”


In the ‘THE TRIBUNE’ dated Jan20,1992, Vinod Kumar Gupta predicted as; “Mr Bush will face serious problems in his re-election”


In response to above predictions, Mrs Sita Devi appreciated the prediction in a letter sent to the editor (published in“EXPRESS STAR TELLER” in Jan 1993 issue page no 53.


In the ‘THE TRIBUNE’ dated Nov 23,1992., appreciated the above prediction The paper ‘PUNJAB KESRI’ dated Aug 21,98‘JAGBANI’ dated Aug 21,98  & INDIAN EXPRESS (Ludhiana News line) dated Aug 28,98 also appreciated the above prediction