Chautala as Chief Minister of Haryana on 22.03.91 and Ch.Devi Lal as Deputy PM of India in Nov,90.


In the article, “Political Scene in India and Pakistan”, published in Dec,1990 issue of “Planets and Forecast” (released on Nov 11,1990,article was sent to editor in the mid of Oct,1990),Vinod Kumar Gupta predicted at page no 573  ,574 ;


“After 30.04.90,Ch.Om Parkash Chautala’s own Moon in the 2nd house and Ketu in the 9th house which shows good period,but these planets are passive till his father Ch.Devi Lal’s Moon in the 8th house ie upto Sept 25,1990.”


“In the annual horoscope of Ch.Devi Lal,from Sept 25,1990 to Sept 25,1991,Moon in the 2nd house and Ketu in the 9th house which are in good position and elevates the position of the native.”


Sh. Nirmal Jain  in his letter to the editor of Planets and Forecast  (published in May, 1991  issue at page No 221 ) has appreciated the above prediction .


In the annual the annual horoscopes of Ch. Om Parkash Chautala, in the period from 30.04,1990 to 30.04.1991 and of  Ch. Devi Lal,from Sept 25,1990 to Sept 25,1991, Ketu in the 9th  house elevates the position of father and son both. As per Lal Kitab also, Ketu, in the 9th  house elevates the position of father and son both.


In the renowned newspaper Punjab Kesri Dated 27 Oct 2009 prediction was made about Sh. Om Prakash Chautala & Sh. Ajay Chautala after the State Assembly Election held in Oct 2009.