George Bush suffers Heart attack on 4th May,91,day was Satureday


In the article, Gulf Crisis-International Political Scene, published in Jan, 1991 issue of Planets and Forecast  (released on Dec 11,1990,article was sent to editor in the mid of Nov,1990 ),Vinod Kumar Gupta predicted at page  56, 57 ,considering the oath taking horoscope of President of U.S.A. George Bush as;


“During the period from 20.01.91 to20.01.92, Saturn,Venus are in the 8th house and Moon in the 12th house. This planetary configuration indicates attack on the life of very high dignatory of the nation, financial crisis will be there.”


While jogging at camp David on Satureday afternoon May 4 ,1991,Bush developed shortness of breath,chest tightness and general fatigue.He had irregular heart beat and transferred to Naval Hospital by helicopter. The day of attack was Saturday ruled by the planet Saturn.


Dr Ashok Kumar Gupta appreciated the above prediction in a letter sent to editor which was published in July issue of “Planets and Forecast”at page no 316