Predicted on March 20,98 that that Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee will  become very bold and will not bow down to any body though he may face financial problems.On May 11& 13, 98 Pokhran explosion of five nuclear devices took place ,the credit of which is to Vajpayee. The nuclear tests resulted in a variety of sanctions against India by a no of major states. USA issued a strong statement of condeming INDIA and promised that sanctions will follow but Vajpayee never cared these threats, knowing well that sanctions can create economic problems.


 The renowned newspaper of North India, ‘PUNJAB KESRI’ dated March 20,98 & ‘JAGBANI’ dated March 20,98 published the above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta .


The renowned newspaper of North India, ‘PUNJAB KESRI’ dated May 18,98 appreciated the above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta.