Predicted on Nov 1, 2000 & Nov 3, 2000 that Bush will face problems from transport & travelling and on Dec 18, 2000 & Dec 23, 2000 predicted major transport accidents in USA during 2001 along with economic problems.His prediction came true when four transport planes were hijacked& crashed into New York’s World Trade Center, Pentagon in Washington & Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. Attack on WTC building triggered economic problems.


The above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta was published in the renowned newspaper of North India,JAGBANI dated Nov 2, 2000 as;


“The newly elected President Bush will get problem from transport from Jan 20, 2001 to Jan 20, 2002.


The above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta was published in the renowned newspaper of North India,THE TRIBUNE’dated Nov 4,2000 as;


“Ketu in the 3rd house gives problem from traveling and transport.”


The above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta was published in the renowned newspaper of North India ‘THE TRIBUNE’ dated Dec23, 2000’ as;


“The economy of the USA will face major setbacks.There may be major transport accidents in the USA during 2001.”


The above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta was published in the renowned newspaper of North India ‘PUNJAB KESRI dated Dec19,2000’as;


“Gives problems in traveling and major transport accidents in the country”


The above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta was published in the renowned newspaper of North India ‘INDIAN EXPRESS dated Dec18 ,2000, as;


“The astrologer adds that the country can face economic problems & there could be transport accidents”


The above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta was published in the renowned newspaper of North India,‘INDIAN EXPRESS(Chandigarh newsline) dated Dec, 2000 , as;


“Transport & traelling would give the new president some problems & his country would face economic upheevals.”


The above prediction of Vinod Kumar Gupta was appreciated in the renowned newspapers of North India ‘THE TRIBUNE’ dated Sept13,2001 ; ‘INDIAN EXPRESS’dated Sept13, ,2000,; ‘JAGBANI’ dated Sept13,2000;‘PUNJAB KESRI’ dated Sept13,2000.